Giving Corner, transforming mundane tasks into solidarity

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Developed from an original concept, Giving Corner is a collaborative platform that allows companies to donate money to charities.

In business, employees are seldom motivated to do mundane tasks such as responding to a survey, filling in a time sheet, saving printer paper...

There is often something more urgent to do that isn't directly productive, and you never know whether you are coming or going...

The result is that all the mundane tasks pile up, until in the end, either someone else has to do them, or each employee must spend every working hour making up for wasted time.

Giving Corner provides a solution to this: motivate employees by transforming these mundane tasks into points, which can then be exchanged for charitable donations – i.e. social, humanitarian.

Partners are: The Red Cross, SOS Children's Villages, Première Urgence-Aide Médicale Internationale, Pur Projet...

You can therefore use points to give a meal to a homeless person in France, textbooks to a child in Africa, or to plant a tree in South America, etc..

To motivate employees further, there is a ranking of the top contributors, and therefore implicitly, those who are best at doing the company’s mundane jobs.

The company now has some well-known clients, such as consulting firm Bain & Company, for whom the two co-founders, Tim Lovelock and François Bracq, worked for two years, also, the company Welhelp and GDF-Suez.

If the idea is interesting, one question remains: why is it that employees who are so forgetful at carrying out mundane work tasks, suddenly become more attentive when it comes to helping people they do not know?

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